Here are some of the places we love to take our visitors to give them a taste of what the Swan Valley has to offer. You can check off those big ticket items like koalas and kangaroos, as well as a world-class wine region, breweries and fresh local produce just 45 minutes from the CBD. This list was created for those with a day or two to spend looking around or for those with overseas or interstate visitors who want to spend a bit more time exploring. Continue »
Does Wine have fruit in it? Good question. We get asked this a lot at Cellar Door. Continue »
It's been the wettest winter I can remember, and so much the rain! What does flood water do to grape vines? Will the vines live? 🍇 How deep did the water get? Check out this video. Continue »
What is the story behind the Gig wines? Captain Stirling encouraged the Brits to move to WA based on the soil that we have at Upper Reach. Continue »
How your support keeps the family business alive and what large businesses are doing that screws it up. Continue »
Once you've opened a bottle of wine, most of them can last three to five days... but it depends on the type of wine. Red wines generally last longer than whites. Make sure your wine doesn't go off. Continue »