As a child in Spain, the only time I ever saw any men cooking was Sunday afternoon. They would use all the leftovers from the fridge and stand around talking very loudly with a glass of Tempranillo in hand! Continue »
The question we're asked most often is 'how do I prune my grapevine'. Follow these three easy steps and you can't kill your vine. How is that different to pruning in the vineyard- spur vs cane pruning. Continue »
Ever wondered how we get all these different flavours and aromas in wine? Continue »
So you've picked the grapes and added the yeast, turned juice into that it? What happens to a wine after fermentation? Discover the 5 steps of post fermentation wine making. Continue »
How Upper Reach helps make geography fun and interesting for Year 11 students Continue »
What is Rose wine made from? How is it made? Is Rose a healthy wine? Continue »
ever thought about starting your own vineyard? Let's show you how we plant our vines. Continue »
Everything you need to know about cellaring wine. How do I know when to drink my aged wine? What happens to wine as it gets older and matures in the bottle? Can I age all wine? Read on... Continue »
From crisp and zesty whites to bold and robust reds, the world of fish and wine pairings is as diverse and exciting as the ocean itself. Continue »